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Опубликовано 1 июн 2010 На SciPeople 27 апр 2011 Журнал Novus Trend
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Способ оценки функционального состояния сердечно-сосудистой системы человека

Караваев А., Сидак Е., Пономаренко В., Безручко Б., Боровкова Е., Прохоров М., Гриднев В., Киселев А., Маршалов Д. / Антон Киселев
1 июн 2010


Human cardio-vascular system is the most significant physiological system which functions through a variety of interconnected fluctuating processes. Apart from heart rate and breathing, small fluctuations of heart beat and blood pressure at a frequency of 0.1 Hz, and derived from vegetative control and adaptation processes are of primary importance. In spite of the significance of the system, researchers are provided with tools which give them with limited data regarding only quantitative characteristics of the system, and do not allow them to diagnose the dynamics of the system or its parts. The project designers have proposed a technique to measure the phase synchronization rate, and in particular the total percentage of the phase synchronization S, which allows them to use the technique for analyzing sophisticated signals coming from biological systems.


Novus Trend”. 2010. №.1. С. 30–31



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