211 - 216
14 июн 2011
На SciPeople
15 июн 2011
African Invertebrates
A new species of Laboulbenia (Ascomycota) parasitic on an African fly (Diptera: Curtonotidae), with a brief review of Diptera-associated species of the genus
A new parasitic fungus, Laboulbenia curtonoti sp. n., associated with the endemic Madagascan fly Curtonotum balachowskyi Tsacas (Diptera: Curtonotidae), is described and figured. The new species is one of the very few Laboulbeniales which penetrate the insect's cuticle by means of more-or-less developed rhizoids. A brief review of the 23 species of the genus Laboulbenia associated with Diptera is presented in a tabulated form.
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