28 июн 2011
На SciPeople
28 июн 2011
Journal of Hypertension
Synchronisation of 0.1 Hz rhythms in cardiovascular system – predictor of fatal events in five-year period
Kiselev A., Posnenkova O., Gridnev V., Shwartz V., Prokhorov M., Karavaev A., Ponomarenko V., Bezruchko V., Dovgalevsky P.
Владимир Шварц
Антон Киселев
28 июн 2011
The aim: of this study was to evaluate prognostic value of autonomic regulation indices for the 5-year risk of fatal cardiovascular events in patients after acute myocardial infarction (MI).
Methods: We studied 125 patients (53 female) after acute MI aged 30-83 years. The period of observation was 5 years with checkpoints at the first week after acute MI and then annually. Synchronous registration of electrocardiogram
(ECG), photoplethysmogram and respiration were made in rest in all patients.
The presence of synchronization of 0.1 Hz rhythms in cardiovascular system (CVS) (heart and microcirculation) were determined from the difference of phases. The degree S of 0.1 Hz rhythms synchronization were estimated.
Results: We compared prognostic value of different degrees S of synchronization between 0.1 Hz rhythms in CVS for evaluation of the 5-year fatal risk in post-MI patients. S < 20% at the first week after acute MI were identified as the most important factors for evaluation of the risk of 5-year mortality in post-MI patients (χ2 = 10.5, P = 0.005). Sensitivity and specificity of S < 20% at the first week after acute MI were 76% and 43%, respectively.
Conclusion: The degree S of 0.1 Hz rhythms synchronization below 20% in post-MI patients is a sensitive marker of high risk of mortality during the subsequent five years.
Journal of Hypertension. 2011. Vol 29. e-Supplement A. P. e528
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