Aim: In spite of recent achievements in public health, average lifetime in the Volga region as in whole Russia is rather short. Issues of longevity in the region produce scientific interest by clinical, epidemiological and social characteristics of long-lived persons. Material and methods: In total 167 long-lived persons were examined. Medical, social, psychic, emotional and epidemiological characteristics were assessed. Results: The typical long-lived person of the Volga region was brought out. The high quality of life was revealed. The negative influence of smoking and alcoholism on the longevity was shown. Most of the patients needed communication. Lack of complaints was revealed, patients mentioned only the general weakness. Conclusion: The study has explained new social and demographic features of the Volga region long-livers
Malinova L.I., Shuldyakov V.A., Shuvalov S.S., Denisova T.P. Clinical, epidemiological and social characteristics of long-lived persons of the Volga region industrial centre // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 7, Issue 3, 2011, pp. 695-698
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