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«Саратовский научно-медицинский журнал»

Журнал Архив номеров О журнале Авторам Авторам Читатели Блог

Архив номеров » Volume 7, issue 1

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Страницы 65 - 68 Опубликовано 25 мар 2011 На SciPeople 31 мар 2012 Журнал Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research
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Monitoring of iodine intake and thyroid status of pregnant women in Saratov region from 1999 till 2008

25 мар 2011 | 3 стр.


The article presents the results of monitoring of iodine intake and thyroid status in pregnant women in Saratov region according to the two cross-sectional studies in 1999 and 2008. The study involved 229 pregnant women. It has been established that there is a decrease in frequency of endemic goiter in pregnant women from 52,8 to 23,6% and increase in median urinary ioduria from 33,0 to 115,5 ug/l. However, iodine intake in pregnancy remains insufficient, as currently the median urinary ioduria is 150-249 ug/l (WHO, 2007). The frequency of maternal hypothyroxinemia, the most significant iodine deficiency disorders in pregnant women, has not changed in a 10-year period (1999 - 46,3%; in 2008 - 55,7%; p>0,1). The research has not obtained significant differences in the frequency of interrelated with pregnancy and delivery complications within two groups of patients


Naumova Yu.V. Monitoring of iodine intake and thyroid status of pregnant women in Saratov region from 1999 till 2008 // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 7, Issue 1, 2011, pp. 65-68



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