Aim: The definition of the relationship of clinical and laboratory features of acute myocardial infarction depending on the suffering of chronic tonsillitis. Materials and methods. The study included 54 patients with acute myocardial infarction suffering for 1-2 days. The collection of the anamnesis, assessment of clinical factors, inspection of the palatine tonsils, clinical and biochemical blood tests have been done. Markers of myocardial necrosis, an electrocardiogram with calculation of a dispersion of interval QT, echocardiogram have been taken into account. Results. 45 of 54 patients reported the symptoms of chronic tonsillitis in their lifetime. At 17 patients the previous diagnosis of chronic tonsillitis has been made, in 6 of them bilateral tonsillectomy was held. All of the patients were divided into 2 groups: 1 with proven chronic tonsillitis (17 patients) and 2 — the others (37 patients). At patients with chronic tonsillitis substantially more developed acute heart failure at sick this group glucose of the blood at receipt was higher than in 2 groups (p=0,004), given distinction was independent of presence of diabetes. According to the echocardiography 1 group of patients determined course-diastolic dimensions of the right ventricle increase in comparison with 2 groups (p=0,01). Conclusion. In patients with chronic tonsillitis more severe course of acute myocardial infarction has been determined, which became evident in the relatively high values of blood glucose on admission. The frequent development of congestive heart failure, and increase of the course-diastolic dimensions of the right ventricle have been also revealed.
Dzhukaeva Kh.R., Shvarts Y.G. Clinical and laboratory peculiarities of acute myocardial infarction after chronic tonsillitis // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 8, Issue 2, 2012, pp. 238-242
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