<em>Purpose: </em>correction of violations in the trigeminal nerve in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis. <em>Material and methods. </em>A clinical examination and study of the functional activity of the trigeminal nerve in 160 patients with chronic generalized periodontitis. <em>Results. </em>Revealed the presence of various degrees of violations of the functional activity of the trigeminal nerve depending on the severity of the pathological process in periodontal tissues. <em>Conclusion.</em>Neuroprotective therapy in the treatment of patients with periodontal disease leads to normalization of the neurophysi-ology of the trigeminal nerve and promotes more rapid relief of the infammatory process in periodontal tissues.
Lepilin A.V., Sholomov I.I., Erokina N.L., Soyher M.G., Nozdrina V.D., Bisultanov H.W. Changes in the trigeminal nerve under the infuence of cortexin in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 8, Issue 2, 2012, pp. 481-484
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