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Опубликовано 2 мар 2006 На SciPeople 8 май 2013 Журнал Сибирский математический журнал
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On the boundary value problem for the spectrally loaded heat conduction operator

Dzhenaliev M. T., Ramazanov M. I. / Мурат Рамазанов
2 мар 2006


We consider the boundary value problems in a quarter-plane for a loaded heat conduction operator (one-dimensional in the space variable). A peculiarity of the operator in question is as follows: first, the spectral parameter is the coefficient of the loaded summand; second, the order of the derivative in the loaded summand is equal to that of the differential part of the operator, and third, the load point moves with a variable velocity. We demonstrate that the boundary value problem under study is Noetherian.


Том 47 (2006), Номер 3, с. 527-547


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