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Опубликовано 1 фев 2006 На SciPeople 13 авг 2014 Журнал Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
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Selection of cryptic B-cell epitopes using informational analysis of protein sequenses.

Elena Svirshcevskaya, Ludmila Alekseeva, Alexei Marchenko, Sergei Benevolenski, Valentina M. Berzhec, Alexei Nekrasov / Алексей (alexei) Некрасов (nekrasov)
1 фев 2006


Sub-unit vaccines are synthetic or recombinant peptides representing T- or B-cell epitopes of major protein antigens from a particular pathogen. Epitope selection requires the synthesis of peptides that overlap the protein sequences and screening for the most effective ones. In this study a new method of immunogenic peptide selection based on the analysis of information structure of protein sequences is suggested. The analysis of known B-cell epitope location in the information structure of Aspergillus fumigatus proteins Asp f 2 and Asp f 3 has shown that epitopes are scattered along the sequences of proteins for the exception of sites with Increased Degree Information Coordination (IDIC). Based on these results peptides from different allergens such as Asp f 2, Der p 1, and Fel d 1 were selected and produced in a recombinant form in the context of yeast virus-like particles (VLPs). Immunization of mice with VLPs containing peptides form allergens has induced the production of IgG able to recognize full-length antigens. This result suggests that the analysis of information structure of proteins can be used for the selection of peptides possessing cryptic B-cell epitope activity.


Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Vol. 4, No. 2, (2006), pp. 389–402.



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