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Архив номеров » Volume 2, issue 1

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Bioinformatics and tools for computer analysis and visualization of macromolecules

Dmitry A. Tikhvinskiy, Yuri B. Porozov / Антон Киселев контактное лицо
1 фев 2013


The goals and objectives of some topics of structural bioinformatics are presented in the article. The main methods and approaches used in computer biology are highlighted. Areas in which bioinformatic science can greatly facilitate and speed up the work of practical biologist and pharmacologist are revealed. The features of both the basic packages and software devices for complete, thorough analysis of macromolecules and for development and modeling of ligands and binding centers are described.


Dmitry A. Tikhvinskiy, Yuri B. Porozov Bioinformatics and tools for computer analysis and visualization of macromolecules // Russian Open Medical Journal, Vol. 2, Issue 1, 2013, pp. 101-0



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