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«Саратовский научно-медицинский журнал»

Журнал Архив номеров О журнале Авторам Авторам Читатели Блог

Архив номеров » Volume 10, issue 4

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Страницы 688 - 691 Опубликовано 25 дек 2014 На SciPeople 27 май 2015 Журнал Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research
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Retinopathies in premature infants, incidence, risk factors, prevention and treatment

Chernenkov Yu.V., Nechaev V.N., Tereshenko V.A., Rodionova O.A. / Антон Киселев контактное лицо
25 дек 2014 | 3 стр.


Research Objective: Analysis of incidence and accompanying states, detection of risk factors of retinopathies in premature infants (RN), dynamic monitoring and improvement of medical actions. Material and Methods: 134 children have been surveyed in the group of risk on development of RN for the last 2 years. Results: From 134 surveyed infants with gestation from 22 to 37 weeks and body weight at birth from 750 to 2500 kg. At 56 children (41,8%) the retinopathy of various degree of expressiveness has been revealed. 38 children with RN of 1-2 stages (67,8%) from which at 22 (39,3%) —the disease ended with the induced regress after a course of «retinalamin», at 16 (28,6% of RN) — spontaneous regress. 4 children (7,1%) had RN 2-3 of the Art., 3-4 Art. at 12 (21,4%), and 5 Art. a cicatricial phase with retinal detachment — 2 (3,5%). In 12 cases the laser photocoagulation in the eye centers is carried out. Conclusion: The revealed relationship of cause and effect of risk factors of formation of RN with features of a current ofthe neonatal period at patients with RN, promoted development of the system of monitoring, implementation of the program of treatment and rehabilitation of prematurely born children suffering RN. Ophthalmologic screening of premature infants with the use of the ophthalmologic digital pediatric camera "Ret Cam 3" allows to diagnose a retinopathy at early stages, in due time to hold preventive an3 medical measures that allows to lower the invalidization of this group of children.


Chernenkov Yu.V., Nechaev V.N., Tereshenko V.A., Rodionova O.A. Retinopathies in premature infants, incidence, risk factors, prevention and treatment // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 10, Issue 4, 2014, pp. 688-691



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