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Архив номеров » Volume 29, issue 3

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Опубликовано 1 окт 2014 На SciPeople 1 июл 2015 Журнал The Russian Academic Journal
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Patriotism as a Moral Position of the Political Elite in Modern Russia

Svetlana Kusina, Alexander Ponedelkov, Vladimir Moiseyev / Alexey Fedorov контактное лицо
1 окт 2014


The current political conditions dictate a necessity to revise the public opinion of Russia’s role in the world. The situation generated<br />by the Ukrainian events has caused patriotic feelings in the Russian society. These feelings combined with the current prospect of<br />mutual relations between Russia and other countries have set the scene for reorientation of both the society and the Russian state<br />machinery to protection of national interests. A key role in this process belongs to the Russian political elite. At this stage, the issue<br />of comprehension and assimilation of moral bearings of patriotism by the Russian establishment is the issue of transformation<br />of the elite. Over the recent twenty-five years, the generation of those who came to power on the wave of perestroika was largely<br />replaced by those who are focused not on work to the benefit of a particular leader, but on implementation of the national idea.<br />However, this process is going on, and now we can speak about nationalisation of the socio-political, as well as economic, elite. The<br />theses presented show how this process is developing in the light of the current situation in the foreign policy. We analyse the possibility<br />of construction of a Russia-centric geopolitical project of development of the state in the conditions of redirection of economy<br />from the West to the East. In particular, we show how the issue of geopolitical choice becomes an axiological issue for the domestic<br />elite. We bring up an issue of a necessity to develop a new type of patriotism that would fully meet the present challenges if included<br />not only the idea of love for the Motherland but also service to it.<br />The current political conditions dictate a necessity to revise the public opinion of Russia’s role in the world. The situation generated<br />by the Ukrainian events has caused patriotic feelings in the Russian society. These feelings combined with the current prospect of<br />mutual relations between Russia and other countries have set the scene for reorientation of both the society and the Russian state<br />machinery to protection of national interests. A key role in this process belongs to the Russian political elite. At this stage, the issue<br />of comprehension and assimilation of moral bearings of patriotism by the Russian establishment is the issue of transformation<br />of the elite. Over the recent twenty-five years, the generation of those who came to power on the wave of perestroika was largely<br />replaced by those who are focused not on work to the benefit of a particular leader, but on implementation of the national idea.<br />However, this process is going on, and now we can speak about nationalization of the socio-political, as well as economic, elite. This<br />paper is to analyze how this process is developing in the light of the current situation in the foreign policy.


Svetlana Kusina, Alexander Ponedelkov, Vladimir Moiseyev Patriotism as a Moral Position of the Political Elite in Modern Russia // The Russian Academic Journal, Vol. 29, Issue 3, 2014, pp. 0-0



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