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Архив номеров » Volume 30, issue 4

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Опубликовано 11 янв 2015 На SciPeople 1 июл 2015 Журнал The Russian Academic Journal
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The use of Natural and Economic Potential of the Region in the Sustainable Development of Enterprises

11 янв 2015


The paper proposes and justifies the necessity of the practical implementation of the concept of integrated greening economic activity<br />of industrial enterprises of the region, is considered necessary for the implementation of this process, the mechanism based<br />on the evaluation of the overall potential of industrial enterprises, taking into account environmental factors. Proposed as indicators<br />of ecologically balanced development of the economy of the enterprise system, economic, resource and environmental ratings,<br />including the degree to which the use of best available technologies, and also provides a number of concrete proposals for economic<br />promotion of the use of best available technologies.


Iuliia Zholobova The use of Natural and Economic Potential of the Region in the Sustainable Development of Enterprises // The Russian Academic Journal, Vol. 30, Issue 4, 2015, pp. 0-0



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