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Архив номеров » Volume 31, issue 1

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Опубликовано 17 июн 2015 На SciPeople 1 июл 2015 Журнал The Russian Academic Journal
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Added Value of Health Tourism and its Potential in Bursa

17 июн 2015


In the rapidly globalizing world health tourism has gained momentum as exports from the place of origin. Since 2002, our country<br />launched the “Health Transformation Program” reaching the fast, quality and efficient health service levels in developed<br />countries. Compared to the United States and European countries, more cost-effective provision of quality services has provided<br />our country with advantages. Turkey has now started working on receiving a deserved share in the world health tourism market.<br />Turkey has established a health tourism policy as in many countries that have achieved success in the health tourism. Due to<br />awareness of stakeholders in all sectors, mainly in all relevant ministries, health care providers, travel agencies, accommodation<br />facilities and intermediaries, there has been an increase in patient flow for planned treatment. At this point, activities have<br />started with all stakeholders of the city by showing the city’s position in the health tourism with thermal and medical potential<br />and its expert human resources possessed by the historical thermal city of Bursa. The importance of the contribution of the tourism<br />sector to the national economy in terms of Bursa is increasing every day. Bursa, which tries to combine its natural and cultural<br />wealth with service of high quality, in the future will be the city receiving more health tourists. In order to achieve this, development<br />of health tourism service areas, definition of potential by analyzing current situation and development of strategies based<br />on these determinations are important in terms of defining the target destinations.


Hasan Erdem Added Value of Health Tourism and its Potential in Bursa // The Russian Academic Journal, Vol. 31, Issue 1, 2015, pp. 0-0



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