The author has found out that human capital is a key element of social and economic development of the country. Emphasis in the<br />article is placed on the fact that in the context of globalization and informatization human capital becomes a defining factor in<br />the development of modern economic systems, without which no technical and economic progress is possible; that all the factors<br />affecting the development of human capital should be divided into internal and external depending on the environment of their<br />occurrence. The factor affecting the mobility of human capital is globalization, which is a steady increase in the interdependence of<br />economies of individual countries and regions, as well as the formation of global markets, including the global labor market. Global<br />labor market opens up new opportunities through technology and investment, increases mobility of workers, causes an increase in<br />the level of competition between them. However, the processes of globalization dictates new requirements to the labor force in terms<br />of its professionalism, mobility, level of new technologies knowledge and the like.
Liliia Martynova Peculiarities of Human Capital Competitiveness Establishment in the Context of the Deepening of European Integration // The Russian Academic Journal, Vol. 31, Issue 1, 2015, pp. 0-0
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