Objective: to determine the volume and direction of correlations of length of the proximal phalanges of the 2-5th fingers of the hand with osteometric parameters of phalanges of like fingers. Material and Methods. The length of proximal, medium and distal phalanges, as well as the width and height: the bases, body and heads (distal tuberosity) phalanges of fingers of the hand were studied on 150 skeletons of adult men and women hands at the age 21-90 years old. Results. The correlation between the length of proximal phalanges and pulse- high-rise parameters of proximal, medium and distal phalanges of 2-5th fingers of hand was determined. Conclusion. The length of the proximal phalange forms a different strength and direction of the correlation. The lengths of the proximal phalanges have a positive direction of moderate strength with all parameters of middle phalanges and the average degree of correlation with the length of the distal phalanges, the width of its base and the body.
Bikbaeva T.S., Aleshkina O.Yu., Nikolenko V.N. Fomkina O.A. The interrelation between length parameters of the proximal phalanges and the middle and distal phalanges of the 2-5th fingers // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 11, Issue 3, 2015, pp. 247-249
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