Objective: to develop an algorithm for surgical treatment of pain and spasticity in patients with consequences of spinal cord injury. Materials and Methods. The basis of the algorithm initiated a retrospective study of results of surgical treatment of 273 patients with pain and spastic syndromes after spinal cord injury, which consistently met neuromodula-tion techniques and destructive surgery. Results. The developed algorithm tested in 166 patients with pain and spastic syndromes provided positive results in 88.6% of cases with spastic and in 80.4% of observations for pain and spastic-pain syndromes. Conclusion. The proposed algorithm allows systematizing neuromodulation methods and so-called «radical» destructive operations in the treatment of pain and spasticity, and thereby improving the results of rehabilitation of patients with consequences of spinal cord injury.
Ninel V.G., Smolkin А.А., Shchukovsky V.V., Korshunova G.A. Algorithm of surgical treatment of pain and spastic syndromes in patients after spinal cord injury // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 11, Issue 3, 2015, pp. 297-302
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