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Опубликовано 26 сен 2009 На SciPeople 18 ноя 2009 Журнал Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research
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Clinical Effectiveness Of Dynamic Out-Patient Control Technology Over Hypertensive Patients Based On Computer System And Mobile Phone Connection

V.A. Shvartz, V.I. Gridnev, A.R. Kiselev, O.M. Posnenkova / Антон Киселев , Владимир Шварц
26 сен 2009


A new follow-up technology of dynamic out-patient control based on system of mobile monitoring of patients with arterial hypertension (SMMAH) has been created in Saratov Scientific Research Institute of Cardiology. SMMAH is based on exchange of information between patient and doctor with the help of Internet and standard short mobile messages. The aim of the present work is to study the effectiveness of SMMAH for follow-up control of hypertensive patients for the period of 12 months. 79 patients with hypertension aged 49±11 were included in the investigation. Control period lasted 12 months. Control visits were made in the 1st, 6th and 12th months. The number of patients became out of control, its causes, percentage of patients who achieved and maintained target blood pressure (BP) were analyzed after each visit. Data were presented as M (95% confidence interval). As a result in 1 month period of investigation 88,6% of patients regularly used mobile messages, 11% of patients were out of control. In 6 months period 68,4% of participants were under control, 31,6% of patients dropped out. In 12 months period — 67% and 33% of patients accordingly. Target BP was maintained in 87% (77%-96%) of patients in 1 month period, in 78% (66%-90%) of patients in 6 months period and in 68% of patients (53%-84%) in 12 months period. High clinical effectiveness of SMMAH has been proved during the study: 67% of patients have followed prescribed therapy after the investigation period and 68% of them have maintained target BP level.


Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, 2009, Vol. 5, № 3, p. 358-362


pdf http://ssmj.ru/en/2009/3/358

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