24 окт 2007
На SciPeople
23 ноя 2009
II International Moscow Conference «Informationand Telemedical Technologies in Healthcare» supported by Intel®
Creation of a technology of primary medical care for the patients wiht arterial hypertension using mobile phone communication
The aim of the investigation was to create an innovative technology of primary medical care for
patients with essential hypertension using Internet-system and mobile telephone communication.
A computer system for continuous monitoring of outpatients with essential hypertension
has been developed (Mobile Monitoring System for Essential Hypertension – MMSEH) The
MMSEH algorithms are based on the statements of Russian Recommendations for Prevention,
Diagnosis, and Treatment of Essential Hypertension (2004). MMSEH enables collection of the
information from the patients generating standard SMS requests. It helps to evaluate blood pressure
level, the number of smoked cigarettes, and patient’s weight, i.e. main modified factors,
taken into consideration in risk stratification. Thus, a physician is able to follow the daily changes
of a patient’s condition online.
MMSEH helps a general practitioner to comply with the requirements of the national recommendations
on essential hypertension (2004), which enables the treatment of a patient with
essential hypertension at the level of modern technologies.
The MMSEH protocols of patients monitoring demonstrate all the medical care actions as
tables and graphs, which helps a physician to evaluate the process of diagnosis and treatment in a
short time. Using MMSEH a physician may monitor substantially larger number of patients, additionally
it allows reduction of the number of patients’ visits and the visits duration. The patients
who did not reach the target blood pressure despite the treatment receive SMS invitations to visit
a doctor in order to make a correction of their lifestyle and medicinal therapy.
Thus, an innovative medical technology of primary medical care for the patients with essential
hypertension using mobile telephone communication has been developed; such a system has
important benefits over the existing scheme of primary medical care for outpatients:
- It allows active interaction between a doctor and a patient during life-long health
- It helps a physician to monitor substantially larger number of patients, preventing their
excessive visits to a physician.
- It helps a general practitioner to comply with the requirements of the national recommendations
on essential hypertension, which allows the treatment of a patient with essential
hypertension at the level of modern technologies.
- It prevents a patient with hypertension from unnecessary visiting a physician, which is
important for socially active people.
- The system makes a patient an active participant of his treatment, helps him to participate
conscientiously in leading a healthy life, which increases his responsibility for his
own health.
Abstracts book of II International Moscow Conference «Information and Telemedical Technologies in Healthcare» suppoted by Intel®, Russia, Moscow, October 24-25, 2007: p.203
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