1 июл 2005
На SciPeople
9 дек 2009
Nucleic Acids Research
SPACE: a suite of tools for protein structure prediction and analysis based on complementarity and environment
Sobolev V, Eyal E, Gerzon S, Potapov V, Babor M, Prilusky J, Edelman M.
Владимир Потапов
1 июл 2005
We describe a suite of SPACE tools for analysis and prediction of structures of biomolecules and their complexes. LPC/CSU software provides a common definition of inter-atomic contacts and complementarity of contacting surfaces to analyze protein structure and complexes. In the current version of LPC/CSU, analyses of water molecules and nucleic acids have been added, together with improved and expanded visualization options using Chime or Java based Jmol. The SPACE suite includes servers and programs for: structural analysis of point mutations (MutaProt); side chain modeling based on surface complementarity (SCCOMP); building a crystal environment and analysis of crystal contacts (CryCo); construction and analysis of protein contact maps (CMA) and molecular docking software (LIGIN). The SPACE suite is accessed at http://ligin.weizmann.ac.il/space.
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