Phase locking of 0.1 Hz oscillations in heart rhythm and filling the vessels of microcirculation is a characteristic of autonomic control responsible for synchronization of cardiovascular system parts such as heart and vessels of microcirculation.
Purpose: To study the impact of methoprolol tartrate (“Metocard”, Polpharma) intake on the dynamic of cardiovascular system parts synchronization in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) who have had myocardial infarction (MI).
Methods: 43 patients (24 men and 19 women) aged 63±8 who had MI 6 month ago were involved in the study. Synchronous 10 minutes record of electrocardiogram (ECG) and pulsogram during orthostatic test was performed. The first (initial) record was carried out in 6 month after MI, the second one – after 3 month of methoprolol intake (200 mg per day). The total duration of all lengths of 0,1 Hz rhythms phase locking in RR-chain and in pulsogram was estimated. This index expressed in percents from total record duration was called summary percent of synchronization (Sps, %).
Results: All of probationers were divided into two groups according to orthostatic Sps dynamic. 21 probationers who have shown the positive Sps dynamic under methoprolol intake were related to the group A, 16 probationers who have shown the negative Sps dynamic under methoprolol intake were related to the group B (see Table 1 [Tab. 1]; Me (25%; 75%)).
Conclusion: Methoprolol intake were associated with the negative orthostatic Sps dynamic in 37,2% of probationers. We considered this phenomenon showing the worsening of adaptative reserve of cardiovascular system parts autonomic control. It is necessary to assess individual dynamic of adaptative reserve of autonomic control under methoprolol intake in CAD patients who have had MI.
Abstract book of 33rd International Congress on Electrocardiology, Cologne, Germany, June 28th - July 1st, 2006; VO4: p 3-4 // Journal of Electrocardiology. - 2007. - Vol. 40. - Iss. 1, Suppl. - P. S74.
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