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Опубликовано 1 июл 2006 На SciPeople 17 дек 2009 Журнал Abstract book of 33rd International Congress on Electrocardiology, Cologne, Germany, June 28th - July 1st, 2006
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Synchronization Between Main Rhytms Of Cardiovascular System Under Different Regimes Of Breathing

Gridnev V.I., Ponomarenko V.I., Kiselev A.R., Prokhorov M.D., Karavaev A.S., Bespyatov A.B., Posnenkova O.M., Dovgalevsky P.Y. / Антон Киселев
1 июл 2006


The aim is the studying of the synchronization between the rhythm with the frequency of 0.1Hz and the two other rhythms (respiration and heartbeat) under different regimes of breathing. Methods: We studied 7 healthy volunteers aged 20-34 years. The ECG and respiratory signals were simultaneously measured in the sitting position. Four experiments were performed. First, the signals were registered during spontaneous respiration and the three other experiments were carried out under paced respiration with fixed-frequency (0.25 and 0.1Hz) and the frequency linearly increasing from 0.05Hz to 0.3Hz. Results: We observed synchronization between the main heart rhythm (HR) and respiration. All subjects demonstrated the presence of several different n:m epoch of synchronization within one record. Studying synchronization between the low frequency (LF) process and respiration we have not revealed any relationship between the degree of synchronization and the intensities of respiratory sinus arrhythmia and LF oscillations as well as in the case of cardiorespiratory synchronization. For the case of breathing with the frequency of 0.25 Hz we obtain the results coinciding qualitatively with those obtained for the above case of spontaneous respiration. The 0.1Hz breathing leads to the resonant increasing of the HR variability amplitude at this frequency and we observe 1:1 phase and frequency synchronization between the HR and respiration during the entire record. Synchronization between the main HR and the LF rhythm also observed under linearly increasing frequency of respiration. Conclusion: We have shown that the three main rhythms in the cardiovascular system can be synchronized with each other. Synchronization between the main HR and the rhythm with the frequency of 0.1Hz is less pronounced than synchronization between each of these rhythms and respiration.


Abstract book of 33rd International Congress on Electrocardiology, Cologne, Germany, June 28th - July 1st, 2006; PS92: p 37


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