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Опубликовано 25 дек 2009 На SciPeople 8 янв 2010 Журнал Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research
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Clinical audit of medical care quality by computer informational analytical system in patients with hypertension followed in Saratov polyclinic

О.М. Posnenkova, V.I. Gridnev, A.R. Kiselev, V.A. Shvartz / Владимир Шварц , Антон Киселев
25 дек 2009


The research goal is to point out potentiality of clinical audit of care quality carried out by IAS "Register AH" in hypertensive patients followed in Saratov polyclinic. Data of medical cards of 205 hypertensive patients (average age 52,8±9,1 years) followed in Saratov polyclinic have been analyzed with the help of IAS "Register AH" indicators set. Implementation of clinical recommendations on diagnosis, treatment and following-up of hypertensive patients from 2007 till 2008 has been assessed. There was no correspondence between statements of recommendations of diagnostic measures for clinical status, treatment and following-up of hypertensive patients. Clinical aim of treatment to support the principal blood pressure has not been achieved in 85% of patients. The main cause has consisted in the patient's clinical status without taking into account the treatment and dynamic follow-up. Clinical audit has allowed the complex evaluation of medical care process in hypertensive patients followed in the studied polyclinic and allowed to reveal a cause of inappropriate results of care. The use of IAS "Register AH" systematizes medical data contained in ambulatory cards, automatizes the process of obtaining indicators results. It increases the reliability assessments


Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research. - 2009. - Vol. 5. - Iss. 4. - P. 548-554


pdf http://www.ssmj.ru/en/2009/4/548

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