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«Саратовский научно-медицинский журнал»

Журнал Архив номеров О журнале Авторам Авторам Читатели Блог

Архив номеров » Volume 5, issue 4

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Страницы 500 - 505 Опубликовано 25 дек 2009 На SciPeople 17 фев 2010 Журнал Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research
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Investigation Of Arterial Blood Pressure Level And Metabolic Indices In Patients With Arterial Hypertension At Pharmacotherapy With Antihypertensive Medicines Of Various Chemical Structure

T.V. Kurkina, A.A. Svistunov, S.I. Bogoslovskaya, V.A. Klochkov, E.V. Luchinina, G.Kh. Glybochko / Антон Киселев контактное лицо
25 дек 2009 | 5 стр.


The research goal is to carry on the comparative analysis of medicines of various chemical structure, Telmisar-tan and Bisoprolol, and to reveal their effect on the arterial blood pressure level and the indices of various metabolic processes in patients with arterial hypertension. 60 out-patients with arterial hypertension (stage II risk III) both males and females aged 33-55 have been under study taking Telmisartan and Bisoprolol for 3 months. While treating the patients the arterial blood pressure level control and biochemical investigations for determination the indices of metabolic processes have been carried out. The investigated medications have provided the decrease of systolic and diastolic arterial pressure parameters, the increase of concentration of total and ionized calcium, chlorine ions, urea and total bilirubin in blood plasma. Therapy with Telmisartan has shown more significant increase of potassium level in erythro-cytes, decrease of levels of natrium, glucose, glycolized hemoglobin and triglycerides and increased contents of alani-naminotransferase and aspartataminotransferase. The course of therapy with Bisoprolol has restored the normal level of magnesium in blood plasma, has not have any influence on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, increased the level of alaninaminotransferase and significantly increased the contents of total and ionized calcium, urea and creatinine. 3-months therapy with Telmisartan and Bisoprolol has proved the decrease of systolic and diastolic arterial pressure in patients with arterial hypertension. The medications under study have had active and variable effects on metabolic indices


T.V. Kurkina, A.A. Svistunov, S.I. Bogoslovskaya, V.A. Klochkov, E.V. Luchinina, G.Kh. Glybochko Investigation Of Arterial Blood Pressure Level And Metabolic Indices In Patients With Arterial Hypertension At Pharmacotherapy With Antihypertensive Medicines Of Various Chemical Structure // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 5, Issue 4, 2009, pp. 500-505



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