BACKGROUND: Membrane structure in metabolic syndrome has not been fully investigated. The aim of our study was to determine the relationship between structural parameters of the erythrocyte membrane and blood pressure, indices of obesity, plasma lipids, and glucose levels in female patients with metabolic syndrome. MATERIAL/METHODS: In 23 women with metabolic syndrome and 12 control normotensive women, anthropometric indices, blood pressure, and serum lipids were evaluated and an oral glucose tolerance test was performed. Erythrocyte membranes obtained from these patients were investigated by electron spin resonance spectroscopy and the spin-labeling method. The order parameter S (membrane microviscosity), parameter h (index of membrane hydrophobicity), and the a/b ratio (index of the membrane surface configuration) were calculated. Data were analyzed using univariate correlation and stepwise multiple regression analysis. RESULTS: All membrane parameters differed significantly in women with metabolic syndrome from controls (P<0.001). The order parameter S was negatively related to waist circumference (R=-0.59, P<0.01) and positively to systolic blood pressure (R=0.44, P<0.05). Negative correlations of parameter h and the a/b ratio with postload plasma glucose level (R=-0.60 and -0.63, respectively, P<0.01) were observed. In stepwise multiple regression analysis the variation in the order parameter S was mainly explained by waist circumference and systolic BP (52%), and in parameter h and a/b ratio by postload glucose level (35% and 34%, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Erythrocyte membrane structural changes in women are associated with features of metabolic syndrome, especially with abdominal obesity, high systolic blood pressure, and postload glucose level.
Med Sci Monit. 2005 Apr;11(4):CR203-10. Epub 2005 Mar 24.
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