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Опубликовано 8 сен 2010 На SciPeople 8 сен 2010 Журнал Gene
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Is crab duplex-specific nuclease a member of the Serratia family of non-specific nucleases?

Veronika E. Anisimova, Alex S. Shcheglov, Ekaterina A. Bogdanova, Denis V. Rebrikov, Alexei N. Nekrasov, Ekaterina V. Barsova, Dmitry A. Shagin, Sergey A. Lukyanov / Алексей (alexei) Некрасов (nekrasov)
8 сен 2010


Kamchatka crab duplex-specific nuclease (Par_DSN) has been classified as a member of the family of DNA/ RNA non-specific beta-beta-alpha metal finger (bba-Me-finger) nucleases, the archetype of which is the nuclease from Serratia marcescens. Although the enzyme under investigation seems to belong to the family of S. marcescens nucleases, Par_DSN exhibits a marked preference for double-stranded DNA as a substrate and this property is unusual for other members of this family. We have searched other Arthropod species and identified a number of novel Par_DSN homologs. A phylogenetic analysis demonstrates that the Par_DSN-like enzymes constitute a separate branch in the evolutionary tree of bba-Me-finger nucleases. Combining sequence analysis and site-directed mutagenesis, we found that Par_DSN and its homologs possess the nuclease domain that is slightly longer than that of classic Serratia relatives. The active site composition of Par_DSN is similar but not identical to that of classic Serratia nucleases. Based on these findings, we proposed a new classification of Par_DSN-like nucleases.


Gene (2008) vol. 418, pp. 41- 48



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