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Опубликовано 1 янв 1996 На SciPeople 8 сен 2010 Журнал Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int.

Cyclo(-GLY-DSIP), A cyclic analog of the delta-sleep-inducing peptide: computer simulation of spatial structure involving NMR data

1 янв 1996


The spatial structure of cyclo(-Gly-DSIP-), a physiologically active analog of the delta sleep-inducing peptide, was determined by computer modelling using 1H NMR data. An interesting feature of the spatial structure in DMSO was detected. One side of almost planar resulting conformation is formed by the side chains of the Asp5, Ser7 and Glu9 residues, the side chain of the Trp1 residue forming the other part of the outer surface. This feature may be associated with the functional properties of the peptide.


Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int. 1996 vol. 38(4), pp. 739-745


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