Научные журналы

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Новости журналов

The Russian Academic Journal is one of the fundamental scientific publications on the territory of South of Russia, Greater Caucasus, Central Asia, Ukraine and Indochina, which are conducting an important mission on spreading in the international academic community works of Russian, Ukrainian, Caucasian and Asian scientists relating to regional range of problems; annually this journal publishes more than 120 scientific articles in Russian and English languages concerned with economy, management, political science, philosophy, philology, mathematics, informatics, chemistry, biology, geosciences. Authors of these articles are famous scientists from China, Ukraine, the USA, India, Afghanistan, Great Britain, Russia and other countries. Members of editorial team of the journal are working...
The Health Agenda is a scientific, multidisciplinary, open access health journal. The online journal publishes double blind, peer-reviewed articles quarterly. The journal is available online for FREE to all readers and No pre-registration is required and there are no ‘logins’ and ‘passwords’. The Health Agenda publishes articles covering all fields of medical science including medical education. The types of article accepted include editorials, original research articles, review articles, case reports, and letters to the editor. The journal strongly encourages research carried out within Indian sub-continent and other Asian countries. The journal follows stringent guidelines to select the manuscripts on the basis of its originality, importance, and scientific conclusions.