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Анализ работоспособности и племенного использования жеребцов разных линий чистокровной верховой породы Северной Америки
Акимова Алёна Викторовна, Акимова, А.В. Анализ работоспособности и племенного использования жеребцов разных линий чистокровной верховой породы Северной Америки : автореферат дис. .......
Analysis of spontaneous mutagenesis in plastic manufacturing plant workers, Taiz Republic of Yemen
Dr Alariqi Aref Dael, Saeed, a. d. analysis of spontaneous mutagenesis in plastic manufacturing plant workers, Taiz Republic of Yemen/A.d. Said, v. Ivanov, e.v. Trubnikova, G.v. Komkova//scientific notes: electron. researcher. Log: modern problems of science and education. is 2012. – № 6. -Access mode:....
Increased detection rates of EGFR and KRAS mutations in NSCLC specimens with low tumour cell content by 454 deep sequencing
Moskalev E.A., Stöhr R., Rieker R., Hebele S., Fuchs F., Sirbu H., Mastitsky S.E., Boltze C., König H., Agaimy A., Hartmann A., Haller F., Virchows Archiv (2013) 462(4): 409-419.
Performance of the GenoType® MTBDRPlus assay in routine settings: a multicenter study.
Mironova S, Pimkina E, Kontsevaya I, Nikolayevskyy V, Balabanova Y, Skenders G, Kummik T, Drobniewski F., Mironova S, Pimkina E, Kontsevaya I, Nikolayevskyy V, Balabanova Y, Skenders G, Kummik T, Drobniewski F. Performance of the GenoType® MTBDRPlus assay in routine settings: a multicenter study. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2012 Jul;31(7):1381-7. Epub 2011 Oct 25..
Microevolution of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis in Russia.
Casali N, Nikolayevskyy V, Balabanova Y, Ignatyeva O, Kontsevaya I, Harris SR, Bentley SD, Parkhill J, Nejentsev S, Hoffner SE, Horstmann RD, Brown T, Drobniewski F., Casali N, Nikolayevskyy V, Balabanova Y, Ignatyeva O, Kontsevaya I, Harris SR, Bentley SD, Parkhill J, Nejentsev S, Hoffner SE, Horstmann RD, Brown T, Drobniewski F. Microevolution of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis in Russia. Genome Res. 2012 Apr;22(4):735-45. Epub 2012 Jan 31..
Detection of resistance to second-line antituberculosis drugs by use of the genotype MTBDRsl assay: a multicenter evaluation and feasibility study.
Ignatyeva O, Kontsevaya I, Kovalyov A, Balabanova Y, Nikolayevskyy V, Toit K, Dragan A, Maxim D, Mironova S, Kummik T, Muntean I, Koshkarova E, Drobniewski F, Ignatyeva O, Kontsevaya I, Kovalyov A, Balabanova Y, Nikolayevskyy V, Toit K, Dragan A, Maxim D, Mironova S, Kummik T, Muntean I, Koshkarova E, Drobniewski F. Detection of resistance to second-line antituberculosis drugs by use of the genotype MTBDRsl assay: a multicenter evaluation and....