In the chronic stress conditions oppression of functional activity of thyroid gland is revealed. Influence of terahertz radiation at the nitric oxide frequency of 150,176-150,664 GHz on functional activity of thyroid gland in the conditions of chronic experimental stress was studied. It was shown that during 15 minutes of influence of terahertz waves at nitric oxide frequency partial restoration of studied indicators of activity of thyroid gland was observed in stressed animals. At 30 minute mode of influence of specified waves a complete recovery of broken indicators of functional condition of thyroid gland was determined
Tsymbal А.А., Kirichuk V.F., Kurtukova М.О. Influence of chronic stress and terahertz radiation at nitric oxide frequency on functional activity of thyroid gland // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 6, Issue 4, 2010, pp. 767-771
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