Evgeny Bulanov » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2011-06-12 Опубликовано на SciPeople2012-06-12 10:09:02 ЖурналDyes and Pigments.

High-temperature thermal and X-ray diffraction studies, and room-temperature spectroscopic investigation of some inorganic pigments.
Knyazev A.V., Maczka M., Bulanov E.N., Ptak M., Belopolskaya S.S. / Evgeny Bulanov
Dyes and Pigments. – 2011. – V. 91. – P. 286-293.
Аннотация Inorganic Cr- and Mn-containing pigments of different structural types were investigated by hightemperature and spectroscopic methods. The differential scanning calorimetry in the temperature interval 298e1723 K was applied to measure temperatures of phase transition and melting of the studied compounds. High-temperature X-ray diffraction in the range 298e1173 K was used for the determination of the thermal expansion coefficients for the first time. Factor group analysis was used to predict general vibration modes of pigments and determine the activity of these vibrations in Raman and IR spectra, the Assignment of bands in Raman, IR and diffuse reflectance spectra was undertaken.


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