Екатерина Кот » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2013-05-14 Опубликовано на SciPeople2014-01-09 22:42:23

The influence of mechanical stress in fibroblasts membrane integrins on the content of free intracellular Ca2+ at native and depolymerized actin microfilaments of cytoskeleton
Grytsenko M. A., Kot K. V., Kot Yu. G., Altukhova L. V., Bulankina N. I., Persky Ye. E. / Екатерина Кот
Grytsenko M. A., Kot K. V., Kot Yu. G., Altukhova L. V., Bulankina N. I., Persky Ye. E. The influence of mechanical stress in fibroblasts membrane integrins on the content of free intracellular Ca2+ at native and depolymerized actin microfilaments of cytoskeleton //Cell Technology Week 2013. Conference Proceedings. – Kyiv, May 14-17 2013. – Kyiv. – P. 41-42.
Аннотация The influence of mechanical stress in fibroblasts membrane integrins on the content of free intracellular Ca2+ at native and depolymerized actin microfilaments of cytoskeleton
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