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«Саратовский научно-медицинский журнал»

Архив номеров Авторам Авторам Читатели Блог

Архив номеров » Volume 10, issue 2

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Опубликовано 2014-06-25 На SciPeople2014-08-31 ЖурналSaratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research

Evaluation of severity and prognosis of the disease course in ulcerative gastroduodenal bleeding

Potakhin S.N., Shapkin Yu.G., Chalyk Yu.V., Zevyakina V.A. / Антон Киселев контактное лицо


The systems of evaluation for severity and prognosis of the disease course constitute an important resource for the improvement of treatment parameters in patients with gastroduodenal bleeding. Although in practice more common methods with limited accuracy and high percentage of subjectivity are often used. The work shows the analysis of the situation and possible ways of resolution.


Potakhin S.N., Shapkin Yu.G., Chalyk Yu.V., Zevyakina V.A. Evaluation of severity and prognosis of the disease course in ulcerative gastroduodenal bleeding // Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research, Vol. 10, Issue 2, 2014, pp. 301-307


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