Анатолий Заворотний » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2015-10-11 На SciPeople2015-11-28 ЖурналAdvanced Studies in Theoretical Physics

Measurement of Electroconductivity of Anisotropic Semiconductors by Van der Pauw Method Part 1. Contacts Location in the Middle of Planes

A.A. Zavorotniy and V.V. Filippov / Анатолий Заворотний


In this work on the basis of a mathematical model an original method how to measure tensor component of specific conductivity is theoretically grounded for square anisotropic semiconductor plates. The type with current and measurement contacts being located in the middle of planes is considered. The appliance of contact stippling has been estimated. The suggested method has been experimentally tested.


Vol. 9, 2015, no. 14, pp. 685 - 691


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