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Опубликовано 2022-09-10 Опубликовано на SciPeople2023-12-10 17:27:00 ЖурналBiology Bulletin

Methods and Techniques for making artificial nests for Eagle-Owls (Bubo bubo, Strigiformes, Strigidae) to increase their population
Lapshin A., Andreychev A., Alpeev M., Kuznetsov V. / Алексей Андрейчев
Lapshin A., Andreychev A., Alpeev M., Kuznetsov V. Techniques for making artificial nests for Eagle-Owls (Bubo bubo, Strigiformes, Strigidae) to increase their population // Biology Bulletin. 2022. V. 49. № 9. P. 1503–1507.
Аннотация A new method and new techniques are proposed for making artificial nests for Eagle-owls to increase their population. Artificial nesting sites allow Eagle-owls to hatch their chicks successfully and stay in a certain area. The results of field studies show that one of the decisive factors for large owls is the presence of a nesting site protected from both bad weather conditions and humans. This method has been tested under conditions of the forest–steppe zone of the Volga region. According to our observations, a special roof and special walls for artificial nesting protect the nest from adverse weather conditions and shedding.
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