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Опубликовано 2002-00-00 ЖурналВестник Молодых Ученых

Отражение психофизиологического состояния ребенка первого полугодия жизни в звуковых сигналах
М. И. Павликовам. А. Новикова
М.И.Павликова,М.А.Новикова 'Отражение психофизиологического состояния ребенка первого полугодия жизни в звуковых сигналах' / Вестник молодых ученых. Cерия Науки о Жизни, 2002. #4. С.28-34.
Аннотация The adults ability to determine a psychophysiological state on sound signals of infants 2.5 and 6 months of age was examined. The differences in character of recognition of sound signals by the men and women, and also persons who were experienced in infant care are revealed. It was defined the acoustic variables related to rates of emotional specificity. It was obtained that the signals of sharp discomfort are characterized by the highest values of duration, average fundamental frequency and energy of high frequencies, in comparison with signals weak discomfort and comfort. The age dynamics of fundamental frequency had different tendencies depending on functional state. The results allow to consider that negative emotional component of infant's vocalizations become more clear between 2.5 month and 6 months of life 


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