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Опубликовано 2004-00-00 ЖурналВестник Молодых Ученых

Нарушение функций митохондрий гепатоцитов миноги Lampetra fluviatilis L. в зимний период преднерестовой миграции
Л. В. Емельянова
Л.В.Емельянова 'Нарушение функций митохондрий гепатоцитов миноги Lampetra fluviatilis L. в зимний период преднерестовой миграции' / Вестник молодых ученых. Cерия Науки о Жизни, 2004. #2. С.50-57.
Аннотация The respiration velocities of different metabolic states are low in lamprey liver mitochondria during winter prespawning migration. The low efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation accounts for marginal respiratory controls and ADP/O. The total pool of adenine nucleotides in liver mitochondria decreases by 23-34% in winter in comparison with the values in autumn and spring. Lamprey mitochondria exhibit high permeability to protons that is probably sequent of mitochondria permeability transition (MPT) induction in low conductive state. Energization of mitochondria by pyruvate and malate decelerates swelling whereas energization by succinate leads up shrinkage. In winter the mitochondria energy-depending swelling is sensitive to MPT inhibitors such as EGTA, cyclosporin A, heparin, DTT. In spring only cyclosporin A inhibits MPT. We suppose that the metabolic depression in lamprey hepatocytes during winter prespawning migration is caused by mitochondrial dysfunction 


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