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Опубликовано 2003-00-00 ЖурналВестник Молодых Ученых

Структурно-механическая неоднородность соединений из углеродистых сталей, полученных сваркой взрывом
И. Б. Степанищев
И.Б.Степанищев 'Структурно-механическая неоднородность соединений из углеродистых сталей, полученных сваркой взрывом' / Вестник молодых ученых. Cерия Технические Науки, 2003. #3. С.30-38.
Аннотация The influence of different kinds of microheterogeneity on the nature of fracture and mechanical properties of shock welded carbon steel composites is investigated. Structure formation regularities and physico-mechanical properties after shock welding and subsequent heating of bimetallic composites from heterogeneous and homogeneous steels (armco-steel, steel St.3, steel 45, steel 85 with the thickness of coated and base layer 2.5 and 12 mm, respectively) are studied. It is stated that as a result of bending and stretching of shock welded composites from homogeneous and heterogeneous steels the abnormal phenomenon of local softening of the weld zone in the area of residual deformations 2-9% is observed 


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