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Опубликовано 2003-00-00 ЖурналВестник Молодых Ученых

Введение концептуальной модели, запросы к которой могут быть сформулированы без использования отношений
В. В. Овчинников
В.В.Овчинников 'Введение концептуальной модели, запросы к которой могут быть сформулированы без использования отношений' / Вестник молодых ученых. Cерия Технические Науки, 2003. #6. С.85-98.
Аннотация High-quality designing of modern information systems is not possible without using conceptual modeling techniques. They allow to decrease noticeably the complexity of processed information and to focus on key aspects of created system. But now complexity of systems is so high that its representation as a conceptual model is very complex too. There are several approaches to control of conceptual model complexity. For example — adding abstraction layers. In this paper we suggest an original method that may be used along with existing ones. Essence of the method lies in not using self-dependent identification of relations. An object type set underlying a relation is suggested to be used as its identifier. Consequences of this step (simplification of the conceptual model analysis, completeness of relation's semantics) are considered in this article. It is shown possibility of development of the conceptual query language expressions those are compact and, at the same time, have structure that is very close to phrases of natural language 


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