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Опубликовано 2001-00-00 ЖурналВестник Молодых Ученых

Гарантии права граждан на объективную информацию, распространяемую в период избирательной кампании
Ю. Н. Климова
Ю.Н.Климова 'Гарантии права граждан на объективную информацию, распространяемую в период избирательной кампании' / Вестник молодых ученых. Cерия Исторические Науки, 2001. #5. С.88-100.
Аннотация The paper considers the problem connected with citizens' right on information during election campaign. At this time voters consume much information from mass media. And it's very difficult for them to value the real situation and objective facts because of electoral illegal technology using psychological methods of presenting information, garbling facts and so on. That's why it's important to formulate guarantees of impartial information in election campaign. Especially this is necessary for mass media activity because central TV corporations and newspapers have wide opportunities to influence electoral preferences. The main task of the work is to improve the Russian laws, which guarantee the citizen's right on truthful information. The scientific research is a complex one. It includes the analysis of election and information laws civil, administrative, criminal laws as well as practice of their realization. The problems of censorship, ethic self- regulation method, the restriction of right on information and others are also investigated in this paper 


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