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Опубликовано 2004-00-00 ЖурналВестник Молодых Ученых

Идеология «официальной народности» и образовательная политика эпохи Николая I
М. В. Емельянова
М.В.Емельянова 'Идеология «официальной народности» и образовательная политика эпохи Николая I' / Вестник молодых ученых. Cерия Исторические Науки, 2004. #3. С.22-31.
Аннотация The article is dedicated to analysis of the influence of the concept of “official nationality” on changes of the priorities in Russian education and on understanding of its direction. The views on education of the Count S.Uvarov who was the author of the famous slogan “Orthodoxy-Autocracy-Nationality” are described as well as the premises of this trinity, awareness of it by contemporaries and realization of its principles in the educational policy in the Nicholas' I epoch. The development of theoretical foundation of the “official nationality” doctrine in 1830–40 and awareness of the idea of nationality in social and philosophical thought of that period are also reflected 


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