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Опубликовано 2004-00-00 ЖурналВестник Молодых Ученых

Театрально-благотворительная деятельность А.Е.Молчанова
Л. Г. Шор
Л.Г.Шор 'Театрально-благотворительная деятельность А.Е.Молчанова' / Вестник молодых ученых. Cерия Исторические Науки, 2004. #3. С.59-69.
Аннотация The article concentrates on Anatoliy Evgrafovich Molchanov's part in the formation of a charitable organisation in support of Russian theatre. The formation of this organisation, the Russian Theatre Society, took place between the XIX and XX centuries. Molchanov's key role by his personal activity on behalf of this Society was to promote change in public opinion toward those involved in theatre (on actors, playwrights, etc.) and helped them to find moral and financial support from the Russian Theatre Society and took up worthy of respect place in society. This research is based on the archive documents of the A.E.Molchanov Fund, the report of the Russian Theatre Society and memoirs of Molchanov's contemporaries 


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