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Опубликовано 2006-00-00 ОрганизацияTatar State Humanitarian-Pedagogical University, 420021 Kazan, Russia * Department of Physics, University of Augsburg, D-86135 Augsburg, Germany E-mail: mav@theory.kazan--spu.ru ЖурналЖурнал "Физика Твердого Тела"

Self-consistent approach inmicrodynamics description of supercooled liquids and glasses
Mokshin A.V., Yulmetyev R.M., Khusnutdinov R.M., Hanggi P.
Mokshin A.V., Yulmetyev R.M., Khusnutdinov R.M., Hanggi P. Self-consistent approach inmicrodynamics description of supercooled liquids and glasses // ФТТ, 2006, том 48, выпуск 9, Стр. 1662
Аннотация The study of the microdynamics of supercooled liquids and glasses is executed through calculations of the dynamic structure factor S(k,omega). The theory developed on the basis of a self-consistent approach in the framework of memory function formalism is applied to define the frequency spectra (m/kBT)S(k,omega) of supercooled argon at the temperature T=5 K for wave number region from 2 to 8.5 nm-1. Obtained results are in a good agreement with the molecular dynamics simulation data. This work was partially supported by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science (grant N 03-06-00218a) and RFBR (N 02-02-16146). PACS: 62.60.+v, 47.11.--j, 62.10.+s, 6120.Gy
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