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Опубликовано 1998-00-00 ОрганизацияEnergy Conversion Devices, Inc. 1675 West Maple Road, Troy, MI 48084 ЖурналЖурнал "Физика и Техника Полупроводников"

Towards understanding the photo-induced changes in chalcogenide glasses
Fritzsche H.
Fritzsche H. Towards understanding the photo-induced changes in chalcogenide glasses // ФТП, 1998, том 32, выпуск 8, Стр. 952
Аннотация The various irreversible and reversible photo-induced phenomena in chalcogenide glasses, among these isotropic as well as anisotropic effects, were considered up to now to have different origins. Upon reexamination, we find that the elemental photostructural steps are the same for all these phenomena. These are non-radiative recombinations via transient excitons yielding changes in local bonding configurations. The anisotropic changes arise from geminate recombinations of electron-hole pairs which fail to diffuse out of the microvolume in which they were excited. A unified explanation of the large variety of photo-induced changes is presented.


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