Vladimir Poroikov » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2010-06-26 На SciPeople2010-06-26 ЖурналBMC Bioinformatics

Prediction of protein-protein interactions using the scores of sequence local similarity: application to prediction of protein kinase substrates

Sobolev B.N., Filimonov D.A., Lagunin A.A., Zakharov A.V., Koborova O.N, Kel A., Poroikov V.V. / Alexey Lagunin , Vladimir Poroikov


Background: The knowledge about proteins with specific interaction capacity to the protein partners is very important for the modeling of cell signaling networks. However, the experimentally-derived data are sufficiently not complete for the reconstruction of signaling pathways. This problem can be solved by the network enrichment with predicted protein interactions. The previously published in silico method PAAS was applied for prediction of interactions between protein kinases and their substrates. Results: We used the method for recognition of the protein classes defined by the interaction with the same protein partners. 1021 protein kinase substrates classified by 45 kinases were extracted from the Phospho.ELM database and used as a training set. The reasonable accuracy of prediction calculated by leave-one-out cross validation procedure was observed in the majority of kinase-specificity classes. The random multiple splitting of the studied set onto the test and training set had also led to satisfactory results. The kinase substrate specificity for 186 proteins extracted from TRANSPATH® database was predicted by PAAS method. Several kinase-substrate interactions described in this database were correctly predicted. Using the previously developed ExPlain™ system for the reconstruction of signal transduction pathways, we showed that addition of the newly predicted interactions enabled us to find the possible path between signal trigger, TNF-alpha, and its target genes in the cell. Conclusions: It was shown that the predictions of protein kinase substrates by PAAS were suitable for the enrichment of signaling pathway networks and identification of the novel signaling pathways. The on-line version of PAAS for prediction of protein kinase substrates is freely available at http://www.ibmc.msk.ru/PAAS/.


BMC Bioinformatics, 2010, 11: 313.


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