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All who are interested in safe and healthy environment / всем кто заинтересован в безопасной и здоровой окружающей среде


10 Most recent blog posts. Environmental science, most viewed, libraries, End of February, 2014. 5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/02/most-recent-blog-posts-environmental.html ** National Library of Israel. On the Multifunctional... National Library of Israel. E.g., Inhibitory Anal... The National Library of Israel. E.g.: aquatic ecos... The National Library of Israel. Environmental Scie... The National Library of Israel. Articles on enviro... Most viewed, environmental science, sceintific bas... Environmental science, these articles attracted in... Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin. Ar... List of recent blog posts, Blogger. ** Internet us... Internet users liked this. Ecology, environmental... ** The general reading room at the National Library of Israel...
Some examples of publications that were cited in the U.S.A., Italy, France, Spain, other countries are here:
Recent citations of a series of publications on environmental sciences, biosciences (authored, co-authored by  a Fulbright Award winner).
The publications or detailed references are available at ResearchGate. 
Article that was cited: Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders:...
Most viewed 20.1.2014, environmental science, ecology, top publications, downloads of top papers from Internet; environmental science, ecology, top publications, downloads, top papers, Internet,USA, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Nobel Prize, who cited, ocean, ResearchGate, http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/01/most-viewed-2012014-environmental.html
Recently, these publications attracted much interest of Internet users at many universities worldwide, ResearchGate, http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/01/recently-these-publications-attracted.html
Nobel Prize universities expressed interest in studying and using  these publications on environmental science and ecology.
80 top publications-environmental sciences, life sciences-of Moscow University scientist results, 2014, January 1, selected. 5bio5.blogspot.com/2014/01/moscow-university-scientist.html   http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=hvqWG6YAAAAJ&hl=en links, web pages to get the full texts: publications on environmental science, life science, ecology, water quality; at ResearchGate, see: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/S_Ostroumov/contributions/?ev=prf_act ** Sergei Ostroumov  Moscow University  biology  -  environmental sciences  -  life sciences  -  geosciences  -  water science    Citation indices   All Since 2009 Citations 939 324 h-index 15 8 i10-index 31 6 Citations to the articles Select:  All ,  None...
Springer Top publications (Series 2) on Environmental science, ecology, life science, water science. Available online at Springerlink.     Hazard of a Two-Level Synergism of Synecological Summation of Anthropogenic Effects // Biodiversity Protection and Quality of Water: The Role of Feedbacks in Ecosystems // Imbalance of Factors Providing Control of Unicellular Plankton Populations Exposed to Anthropogenic Impact // Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory // Effect of Amphiphilic Chemicals on Filter-Feeding Marine Organisms // New Type of Effect of Potentially Hazardous Substances: Uncouplers of Pelagial–Benthal Coupling // Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to water purification: current conceptualizations and...
useful file on environmental science
key words: Facebook, useful, pages, new, information, environmental, science, ecology, water safety, innovations, links, web sites, online, protection, environment, safety, water, quality, self-purification, citation, Italy, Italian, Moscow University, U.S.A., availability, libraries, bibliography, top papers,
on Facebook, useful pages with new information on environmental science, ecology, water safety innovations
 Italian language:Ecology, Environment, Bioscience.Useful to Italy, Italia  Most viewed, most liked recently. Environment, ecology  Moscow University__Moscow State University_Environmental Science_MGU_MSU  Citation of publications in...
Blog posts. November 2013. Series 3.  European countries, India, U.S. cited, citation. Библиотеки: Смоленск, Ставрополь, Владивосток
Some of the posts of the November List (series 3):
5 most viewed posts,November 24, 2013: bibliograph...
Смоленск. Экология, охрана природы, биотехнология,...
Ставрополь. Экология, окружающая среда, охрана при...
Владивосток. Цитирование работ МГУ. Цитировали ста...
Цитирование работ МГУ и РАН. Цитировали...
Blog posts. November 2013. Series 2. World Catalog 90 publications, 95 publications,
Some of the posts of the 164-post list (series 2):
Most viewed online 27.11.2013.Environmental scienc...
5 links to free full texts of innovative papers on...
Book 'Biological Effects of Surfactants': in Swit...
Internet: 10 most viewed posts online, ecology, en...
Book 'Biological Effects of Surfactants': Italy. H...
Разговор об экологии. Интервью журналу. В интереса...
Инновации в решении проблемы чистоты воды в источн...
Top posts. Environmental science. 1
10 Most viewed posts, 2013, 25 November. Environment, Ecology discoveries, 929 views

In French, a part of the list of 95 publications ...


USA, updated: Citation in the U.S.A., publications...


In Spanish. 95 publicaciones. Ecología, medio amb...


In Portuguese, a part of the list of 95 publicaçõ...


63 steps to a new ecology. Updated to 66. Top ec...

New Definitions of the Concepts and Terms Ecosyste...


In Swedish. A part of the list. 95 publikationer.......