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All who are interested in safe and healthy environment / всем кто заинтересован в безопасной и здоровой окружающей среде


https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sergei_Ostroumov/blog/700_Call_for_Abstracts_International_Conference_Ecosystems_Organisms_Innovations-12_2010 ;
http://blog.researchgate.net/masterblog/610_New_unified_theory_of_the_ecological_mechanisms_to_improve_water_quality_and_to_make_water_clear_a_basis_for_water_purification_and_waste_water_treatment ;
http://blog.researchgate.net/masterblog/608_Does_implementation_of_environmental_law_depend_on_new_improvement_of_ecological_terms_Fundamental_solutions_suggested ;
http://blog.researchgate.net/masterblog/594_New_plant_species_as_a_potent_tool_to_clean_water_and_to_remove_heavy_metals ;
Biological Effects of Surfactants (CRC Press)
by S.A. Ostroumov
Comment from the internet site: www.chipsbooks.com/biosurfc.htm

Biological Effects of Surfactants lays an excellent foundation for scientists to explore how hazardous wastes are absorbed in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.

    * Publishes new results from the author's research and gleans the most important findings from over 20 years of research including 80 of his articles
    * Reveals new data on the biological effects of synthetic surfactants and detergents upon organisms in aquatic ecosystems
    * Obtains data useful for selecting relatively tolerant organisms for purposes of bio- and phytoremediation and restoration of...
The shortlist of some most cited publications by Dr. S.A. Ostroumov in English, available online (including the websites with the full texts); (updated 12 Jan 2010)

1. Ostroumov S. A. The concept of aquatic biota as a labile and vulnerable component of the water self-purification system - Doklady Biological Sciences, Vol. 372, 2000, pp. 286–289. http://sites.google.com/site/2000dbs372p286biotalabil/;

2. Ostroumov S. A., Kolesnikov M. P. Biocatalysis of Matter Transfer in a Microcosm Is Inhibited by a Contaminant: Effects of a Surfactant on Limnea stagnalis. - Doklady Biological Sciences, 2000, 373: 397–399. Translated from Doklady Akademii Nauk, 2000, Vol. 373, No. 2, pp. 278–280. http://sites.google.com/site/2000dbs373p397biocatallstag/
My view is that if we protect the natural mechanism for self-purification of water, it will save a part of our effort and energy in doing technological treatment / cleaning of water. To protect the natural mechanism, we need to know it better . The results of our studies of the mechanism (applying what I called 'inhibitory analysis') are in the papers, which are presented at the sites: 1.    Ostroumov S. A. The concept of aquatic biota as a labile  and vulnerable component of the water self-purification system - Doklady Biological Sciences, Vol. 372, 2000, pp. 286–289. http://sites.google.com/site/2000dbs372p286biotalabil/; 2.    Ostroumov S. A.,  Kolesnikov M. P. Biocatalysis of Matter Transfer in a Microcosm Is Inhibited by a Contaminant: Effects of a Surfactant on...

Additional   most relevant bibliography and websites - given below.
Among the new facts that were discovered, my research that was done in several laboratories in three countries demonstrated   that the inhibition of water filtration by surfactants and detergents was a typical response of a broad spectrum of filter–feeders including both marine and freshwater bivalves. Filtration activity of invertebrates is a component of the contribution of aquatic biota to water self-purification.
1.       Ostroumov S. A. Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York. 2006. 279 p. ISBN 0-8493-2526-9 [new facts and concepts on assessment of hazards from chemicals, new look on the factors...
Ostroumov S. A., Kolesnikov M. P. Biocatalysis of Matter Transfer in a Microcosm Is Inhibited by a Contaminant: Effects of a Surfactant on Limnea stagnalis. - Doklady Biological Sciences, 2000, 373: 397–399. Translated from Doklady Akademii Nauk, 2000, Vol. 373, No. 2, pp. 278–280. Original Russian Text Copyright © 2000 by Ostroumov, Kolesnikov.
By excreting some massive amount of organic matter in the form of pellets, the gastropod mollusks drive the transfer of organic matter and contribute to the biogeochemical flows of chemical elements in aquatic ecosystems. For the first time, the quantitative assessment of the biogeochemical flows was made. Also, for the first time, it was discovered that a synthetic chemical may inhibit those flows. The pellet excretion by the...
 Our experiments led to fundamentally new vision of priorities in how to deal with environmental problems of chemical pollution . We have found new facts on serious hazards from synthetic chemicals including detergents. It is important that a broader number of people know these new results. I would like to make available the references to a book and related papers that are of interest to those who are interested in applied and aquatic ecology, biological aspects of environmental sciences, in bioassays of chemicals. The list is below . Best regards and kind wishes to all. Dr. Sergei Ostroumov, Ph.D., Dr.Sci. 1. book: Ostroumov S. A. Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York. 2006. 279 p. ISBN 0-8493-2526-9. [new...
Вот публикации о биотестировании на проростках растений и других тест-организмах:

Воздействие анионного детергента на зеленую протококковую водоросль и проростки некоторых покрытосеменных растений // Научн. доклады высшей школы. Биол. науки. № 7. 1986. С.84-86. 2 табл. Резюме на рус. и англ. яз. Библиогр. 8 назв. [Совместно: Горюнова С.В., Oстроумов С.А.] [Додецилсульфат натрия воздействовал на рост Scenedesmusquadricauda, ингибировал проростков...
The papers with innovative fundamental concepts - new sites

http :// sites . google . com / site /2001 dbs 380 p 492 unio /

An aquatic ecosystem: a large-scale diversified bioreactor with a water self-purification function. The author developed an innovative concept of ecosystem as a multifunctional bioreactor, one of its functions is upgrading water quality.