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All who are interested in safe and healthy environment / всем кто заинтересован в безопасной и здоровой окружающей среде


Oil spill in Siberia (the river Angara), April 25, 20.
26 April 2012. Как сообщил глава ГУ МЧС по региону, накануне вечером было обнаружено пятно, протяженностью около 10 км вниз по течению реки Ангара, ориентировочная масса разлитого дизтоплива 2 тонны. Авария произошла из-за незаконной врезки на предприятии комбината Росрезерва «Прибайкалье». ИТАР-ТАСС 05:41 news.yandex.ru/yandsearch?cl4url=top.rbc.ru%2Fincidents%2F26%2F04%2F2012%2F648192.shtml; Это событие еще раз...
New threat to aquaculture of marine mussels This is about the bivalve mollusk, blue mussel Mytilus edulis . Marine mussels are a source of delicious and healthy food. Marine mussels are a staple of many seafood dishes in various cuisines including Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Belgian, and others … They are cultivated as aquaculture. It was discovered that some organic pollutants pose a hazard to this species of bivalve mollusks.
This reserch was done at Moscow State University. Cooperation with Plymouth Marine Laboratory (United Kingdom, England) is acknowledged.
More informations see: sergostroumov.scienceblog.com/2012/04/22/new-threat-to-aquaculture-of-marine-mussels/
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book: new data and review on bioeffects surfactants, detergents:  www.scribd.com/doc/64066178/; b23.ru/ksmk;
useful to universities, institutions, experts in environmental and resource management
key words: components of shampoo, dish-washing detergents, laundry detergents, cyanobacteria, blue-green algae, pollutants, ecotoxicology, freshwater, marine, environmental safety, environmental security, sources of water, xenobiotics, polyfunctional role of biota, water, ecosystem functioning, hydrosphere, community, sustainable use, resources, environmental management, human impact, potential for water purification, ecosystem’s services, biological theory, application, reliability, external influences; anthropogenic, man-made effects, environmental practices, new...
www.scribd.com/doc/74257181/ ; Факты о воздействиях загрязняющих веществ на растения. Новые факты, установленные в работах ученых МГУ им.М.В.Ломоносова. Фитотоксичность.Биотестирование.Библиография.
Библиотеки университетов системы University of California ( and other universities), U.S.A., приобрели книги российских экологов, включая первую в международной науке монографию по новым, ранее не выявленным проблемам токсикологии окружающей среды: www.scribd.com/doc/79934197/;
В библиотеке  Stanford University, U.S.A., используются книги российского ученого    www.scribd.com/doc/80155261/;

** Anthropogenic effects on the biota: towards a new system of principles and criteria for analysis of ecological hazards. scribd.com/doc/52636721
** Medium-term and long-term priorities in ecological studies. — Riv Biol. [Rivista di Biologia] 2003, 96(2):327-32. scribd.com/doc/48100827
** Studying effects of some surfactants and detergents on filter-feeding bivalves // Hydrobiologia. Vol. 500. P.341-344 scribd.com/doc/63898669
** Aquatic ecosystem as a bioreactor: water purification and some other functions. — Riv Biol. 2004, 97(1):67-78. scribd.com/doc/52656760
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** Criteria of ecological hazards...
lnkd.in/rt-KTD Key references with annotations on what is new, with sites of free texts. Ecology. Environment,…lnkd.in/_jiJjf lnkd.in/RK2eEQ INNOVATIONS, DISCOVERIES, in ecology, environmental sciences, lnkd.in/2QFVwk Innovative Publications Are Available at the Sites Springerlink and others, and in libraries: Environmental Sciences, scribd.com/doc/77841048/I… lnkd.in/9MBqYt Environmental Sciences, Life Sciences. Authored, coauthored by Dr. Sergei Ostroumov: These publi…lnkd.in/jc7x8D A new step: studying the mystery of stability of the biosphere. scribd.com/doc/83168032/ A new component of the mechanism of regulation: Self-organization in the biosphere. scribd.com/doc/83168032/ New serious hazards: low-level (sublethal) chemical pollution. scribd.com/doc/83168032/ A new...
Detailed information: an innovative book: environmental hazards and bioassay of synthetic detergents: review, new data: www.citeulike.org/user/ATP/article/9744280
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Экобезопасность, реабилитация загрязненных водных объектов
Ecology. Key Innovations, Discoveries.
www.scribd.com/doc/51414359 ;
These are two tables based on Pages 116-131 of the book [Ecology and Life Sciences: Bibliography of   S. A. Ostroumov. Compiled by A. V. Viktorova and J. Robertson. 4th ed., updated. Мoscow: MAX-Press,    2010. – 132  p.  (series: Science. Education. Innovation.  Issue 11)]. With additions, updated 24.03.2011.
The material below is a brief summary of innovations in the publications authored and coauthored by Dr. S.A. Ostroumov: ecology, environmental science, biology, ecotoxicology, biogeochemistry, biological, self-purification, water, ecotechnology, pollution control, bioassay, hazard assessment, xenobiotics, surfactants, detergents, heavy metals, toxicity, phytotoxicity,...