Karim Hajhashemi » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2013-00-00 Опубликовано на SciPeople2013-11-04 03:40:52 ЖурналIEEE

Online Learning: From a specialized distance education paradigm to a ubiquitous element of contemporary education
Anderson, N., Hajhashemi, K. / Karim Hajhashemi
Аннотация This paper provides a literature overview of the increasing importance of online learning across all modes of instruction, whether they take place in higher education, school-based or informal education. It then moves to discussing the current situation regarding the Australian university sector and then provides an example of the same subject offered in a School of Education across four different modes – two being face to face and two by distance. The modes are reviewed to examine the use of online learning with the common subject and assessment being the control.
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