Russian Open Medical Journal » Архив номеров » Volume 2, issue 4 » Публикация

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Опубликовано 2013-11-28 На SciPeople2014-10-16 ЖурналRussian Open Medical Journal

Mechanisms of realization of THz-waves of nitrogen oxide occurrence physiological effects

Vyacheslav F. Kirichuk, Alexander A. Tsymbal, Evgeny V. Andronov / Антон Киселев контактное лицо


In this review, there is generalized material of many experimental researches in interaction of THz-waves molecular emission and absorption spectrum (MEAS) of nitrogen oxide occurrence with bioobjects. Thrombocytes and experimental animals were used as bioobjects. The experiments let indicate changes caused by THz-waves: at the cellular, tissular, system, organismic levels. There are all data of changes in physiological mechanisms of reglations at all levels: autocrine, paracrine, endocrine and nervous. There is a complex overview of experimental material firstly performed in the article. There had been shown that the effect of THz-waves of the given occurrence is realized by the changed activity of nitroxidergic system. It had been proved that THz-waves of nitrogen oxide occurrence can stimulate nitrogen oxide producing in organs and tissues in condition of its low concentration. Possible mechanisms of antiaggregative effect of the given waves had been described. There had been shown the possibility of regulating of vascular tone and system hemodynamics with the help of the studying these frequencies. The represented data of lipid peroxidation and enzymatic and nonenzymatic components of organism system under the influence of THz-waves of nitrogen oxide occurrence in stress conditions. Besides, there were shown changes of stress-regulating system activity and in concentration of important mediators - catecholamines and glucocorticosteroids. These data let characterize mechanism of realization of THz-waves basic effects. The research had shown the possibility of THz-waves of nitrogen oxide occurrence usage as a method of natural physiological noninvasive regulation of significant organism functions.


Vyacheslav F. Kirichuk, Alexander A. Tsymbal, Evgeny V. Andronov Mechanisms of realization of THz-waves of nitrogen oxide occurrence physiological effects // Russian Open Medical Journal, Vol. 2, Issue 4, 2013, pp. 404-0


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